Angel Speaks. Humble Thoughts For The Body Of Christ.The Gospel of Jesus ChristOneness with God for AllDiscover the Love of God through this Christ-Centered Gospel Proclamation. Revealed is the Restoration of All Things: Unveiled is the Mystery of Christ. Seen is Jesus, the Savior of the World. Personally Discover the Complete Reunification of All through The Original Gospel of Christ. On this site you will also find The Key of Knowledge to open the scriptures like you have never imagined. Finally and foremost, open and explore "The Gospel of Christ - The New Testament Cross Reference Study" Use it as a Devotional Tool. Draw nigh to God and be amazed. |
Gospel of Christ Hear The Gospel of Christ The Mobile Message |
Gospel of Christ I have seen perfection. I am undone. May God have mercy. As I glance over this site I spent so many years building, I wish I had had more to give. I am so undone. All my efforts seem so feeble and sickly. The truth is so much grander than I was ever able to express. And the Gospel of Jesus is so much more than I ever could have imagined. Church, get ready. |
In the Beginning Was The Word Jesus Has A Message For Everyone |
Original Gospel Authored by Jesus Christ and The New Testament The Hebrew Bible and The Original Gospel of Jesus The Gospel in The Nag Hammadi Library The Quran and The Injeel Connection |
Keys of Knowledge |
The Key of knowledge provides an invaluable contribution to the devotional study of the New Testament. Discover hidden connections revealing the original thought processes behind the apostolic writings. Aligning the sayings of Jesus together with the apostolic writings, we "make the two into one." It's almost like Jesus and the apostles left us a cross reference study bible. For the serious student, willing to struggle with the text, this reference material may amaze you. Meditate on these things. It will change everything! | ||
Gospel of Christ Watch the Gospel of Jesus / Thomas The Life of Jesus Movie - KJV |
The Gospel of Christ is an introduction to the New Testament understanding of the Oneness of the Body, and the Oneness of the All. There is a gospel to the circumcision. And there is a gospel to the uncircumcision. These two communities are reconciled into One Joint-Body as an illustration of that which was, and is, and is to come. There is a complete reunification, a reconciliation of all things, a restoration of the all, a marriage in the holy place, and a kingdom that is spread over all the earth. Christ is all of this, and more. This is just the beginning. | ||
Blog: URfriendly Reflections |
URfriendly Reflections is an old Personal Blog considering cherished values and practices. Walking in harmony and spiritual reality, we are able to pursue love and peace, value community, advocate equality for all, promote simplicity, and encourage cooperation and mutual respect. Join me on a journey of spiritual discovery, and share your thoughts. | ||
The Mystery of Christ Mystery: Condensed |
The Mystery of Christ is an examination of the biblical basis for the belief that all creation will be united within the Christ. The paper then concludes with a discussion of the implications of the tension that exists between this belief that God makes "all things new" and the doctrine of eternal punishment. | ||
All Be Saved Universal Salvation |
Will All Humankind Eventually Be Saved questions the doctrine of Eternal Torment, and clearly explains why I eventually embraced the Ultimate Reconciliation of all humankind. Knowing that the journey to truth can be difficult, but worthwhile, I humbly present this paper to the reader. May our search be an honest one and full of truth. The Restoration of All Things looks at the theology of the Reconciliation of All Things, and the Complete Reunification promised through Christ. |
Jesus: The Author of Our Faith |
Jesus write a Book? "The Revelation of Jesus Christ which God gave unto him to show unto his servants", "The Gospel of the Kingdom", "The Gospel of Christ", "The Testimony of Jesus", "The Little Book", "The Doctrine of Christ", "His Sayings", "The Preaching of Jesus Christ", "The Gospel of God", "The Word of God", "The New Covenant", "The Everlasting Gospel", and even just "The Gospel". What is the scripture talking about? |
Knowledge of Christ Knowledge & Oneness The Gospel of Truth Thomas & The Tao Or (In English Only) or a (Public Domain Printable PDF) Thomas and the Tao Te Ching (In English & Chinese.) A Public Domain Printable PDF |
Knowledge (or Gnosis) of Christ presents deeper
insights and teachings that are necessary to bring the Church to
maturity. Christ entrusted this wisdom to an inner circle of disciples, as they were able to receive it. However, for those strongly influenced by the religion of the past these new teachings often became very troublesome, when in the wrong hands. The epistles are full of admonitions toward and against those who used these insights to exalt themselves over other believers, to exercise a lack of love, and even to justify hurtful libertine behavior. As these deeper ideas resurface, and are embraced by some again today, a balanced approach is needed: One that recognizes their value, but also knows how to hold the truth with the love that never fails. |
Bridal Chamber |
Bridal Chamber
is the holy of
hidden behind the veil, in the spirit of the mind, where through a
vision male
and female can become one new Perfect
The Wedding is the re-uniting, or Reconciliation into ONE of that which was divided. "Marriage is honorable in all, even as Christ is all and in all. There is nothing hidden that will not be made manifest! |
The Perfect Man | Unto a Perfect man... we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God,... unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ. This Christ, the One Body, the Perfect Man, is the bodily representation of a perfected universe. In Him dwells all the "fullness"... bodily. Any man who offends not in word, the same is a perfect man, and able also to bridle the whole body. He will be astonished, and he will rule over the All. Behold the kingdom. | ||
The Resurrection of All Seeing the Christ Christ is All and in All |
Eternal Vantage Point: God's view is eternal, and so
we try
thinking outside time. With divine insight we may discover that what we
look forward to has already
come, but without such vision we may not recognize it. There
are hints of such a divine eternal worldview within scripture freeing
us from the fetters of time and cultural restraints, but in the
darkness of the
carnal mind, men do not see it.
Perceiving the promises of scripture as already fulfilled may be one
step toward seeing reality from a divine eternal perspective, as God
sees it. May our eyes be opened. Seeing the Christ: Christ is the beginning, the middle and the end. The Christ is that which WAS, that which IS, and that which IS TO COME. HE is the Alpha and the Omega. He is the whole alphabet. Christ is all there is. All and in all. In the twinkling of an eye, changing the way we see reality. Christ is all and all is a detailed discussion with Ken concerning the impact of embracing "Christ as all in all" as a present day truth. |
Chinese, Japanese,
and Tagalog Articles
from the
perspective of an Ultimate Reconciliation of all with God, and with one
another. You will also find writings about Christian Universalism
translated into Other
A special thank you goes out to Gary at Color-Coded and Side-by-Side In Chinese and English Suitable for Second Language Study A Printable PDF Book In the Public Domain (View as an eBook in "Two Page View" on a PDF viewer.) |
Time Eternity, & the Ages The Elect And The Effect That There Should Be Time No More |
Eternity, & the Ages -
Moulton and Milligan in "Vocabulary of the Greek New Testament" write
concerning aionios that "In general the word depicts that of which the
horizon is not in view, whether the horizon be at an infinite distance,
or whether it lies no farther than the span of Caesar's life." New
Thayers Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament defines "kolasis" as
"CORRECTION, punishment, penalty". It is linguistically
possible to
replace "eternal punishment" with "CORRECTION FOR THE AGES."
us exercise caution to interpret the "aionian" Punishment passages
individually in the light of the immediate context, and the larger
context of The
Common Salvation Message within
Scripture. Rather
than narrowly imposing the dogmatic and extreme concept
of "Eternal" punishment as
the only definition to be used, let us be reasonable,
and prudent in our interpretations. "THE PUNISHMENT WHICH THE
BEYOND THAT WE CANNOT GO," William Barclay. Aionios is just a simple linguistic study. I wish to take the reader so much deeper, to see the bigger picture: The will of God, the Mystery of Christ, and The Gospel of Christ! God willing... we will do this, for the seventh angel begins to sound that the administration of the mystery should be complete, and time should be no more, Revelation 10:6-8. |
Joy of All Restoration Scripture Universalist Texts |
is Joy for Everyone is a simple tract using scripture to espouse The Restoration of All Things. The Restoration of All Things presents a list of Ultimate Reconcilation scripture to the reader. It may be a first step out of fear and darkness, and into the liberty of the Father heart of God. If you are new to this message of Ultimate Reconciliation you may find these pages particularly enjoyable. Universalist Texts concisely conveys simple thoughts from Christian Universalists of previous centuries. |
Previously Posted Letters from Aaron Had Defended Eternal Torment |
"There are two categories of men with two different destinations (elect
and sons of perdition). Only God knows for sure who they are." Dean commented, "Such theological discussions may have their place. But surely, the saints must tire of this debate. Is it time to change our focus? When I look at Christ I see what God is like. I see One who loved sinners, who chastised the over confident, a God who justifies the ungodly, and judges the self-righteous." God willing, Let us Move on to Perfection. |
Poetry: |
Enjoy a simple
message in meter.
Focus on the Christ and his work. Revel in the wonder of his love and grace.
Are All One Enlightenment And Oneness: East and West Oneness Universalism and Gnosis The Bridal Chamber - Becoming One Peace: Two Are One |
are all... One. Three
succinct scriptural quotes summarize my personal experience,
perspective, and belief in Oneness. Christ is all, and in
all. God
as All in All. And He
that is joined unto the Lord is One Spirit. Together they say to me
that the
Christ is all, and that God is all, and that We are all...
One. Jesus is the Light that Enlightens every man. Rather than a doctrine to be expounded, Oneness is a revelation to be experienced. This message of Oneness is not new, but visible throughout the pages of the New Testament. It is The Knowledge of Universal Oneness that is the basis of the scriptural appeal to love one another throughout the scripture. There is a knowing what we know, and that we know deep inside. Without this foundational revelation, and it is a revelation, those who labour, labour in vain. May we finally see the oneness of the body that we may grow strong and into maturity. In such a worldview there is only One Universal and Cosmic Body: The body of Christ. This Christ is and becomes a revelation of oneness. When the Reunified Body of Christ is seen and experienced, the mind darkened by the torment of dualism is filled with light. There is only ONE body, the kingdom of God's dear son, for truly, truly, Christ is all, and in all. Love is the glue that holds the body together so that we can grow together into a Mature Perfect Man. We are all learning to live in love, and be at Peace with one another. |
All for Christ |
House Church is people meeting in homes, keeping it simple. No name, no titles, no property, no corporation, no salaries etc. - just believers gathering simply, in His Name. The Gate Seldom Found is an interesting historical fiction novel about friends meeting in a home, and about the ministry of those who forsake all for Christ. Those who Forsake All for Christ is a look at the teaching of Christ within Scripture and the Gospel of Thomas for those who would would be perfect, and for those who would take up the cross to follow Christ in His way. |
The Comings of Christ | Christ
to us in many ways. Christ does not leave his disciples
comfortless, but returns to them. Our philosophical outlook of the
future is optimistic. We are a spiritually minded people, now looking
for divine intervention, personally and corporately, with God
working out his plan for all creation, through the revelation of Christ
within us, and through a manifestation of the sons of God. Christ comes to us when those he sends arrive at our doorsteps. Pray the Lord will send forth labourers. Go Preach looks at Jesus' call to discipleship. |
of Faith Becoming Non-creedal Letting Go of the Chains that Bind Us |
Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the living God, and Saviour of the
world. This is my confession of faith. This is the statement
of faith I
am most comfortable with. I wish my profession of faith could
kept this simple. Belief systems that create divisions and barriers in the body of Christ in an attempt to impose beliefs, or to exclude other Christians of differing belief are often reprehensible, and by definition heretical. Ruling over others, dictating to them, or controlling beliefs is not the way of Christ. Becoming Non-creedal: I have little interest in dogmatic organizational professions. Though we can learn from others, creeds can never fully represent all revelation and may limit or confine our perceptions of truth. I have found that if we are free from the confines of the theological boundaries other people and organizations would place on us, then we can truly be open to the deeper revelations God would entrust to us. If our heart is willing, we will encounter, and be enabled to embrace the truth when it is given. As our heart enlarges and our understanding deepens, we will be willing to Let Go of the Chains that Bind Us, and we will move from glory to glory. |
is The Gospel of Complete Reunification The Gospel of Thomas Audio, etc. The Gospel of Thomas Movie The Gospel of Thomas: On Mobile The Gospel of Thomas Printable PDF Large Print |
Gospel of Christ The Gospel of Thomas is the foundational teaching of Jesus used by the apostles as the basis of their New Testament writings and ministry. This non-canonical Gospel of Thomas is a must read! The prologue begins: These are the secret sayings which the living Jesus spoke and which Didymos Judas Thomas wrote down. (1) And he said, "Whoever finds the interpretation of these sayings will not experience death." (2) Jesus said, "Let him who seeks continue seeking until he finds. When he finds, he will become troubled. When he becomes troubled, he will be astonished, and he will rule over the All." This is the gospel of The Kingdom. It is the message of The Cross. Continue reading The Gospel of Thomas. It is not an easy read, but for the earnest seeker and diligent student of the word the effort may be extremely worthwhile. You will find the Staurogram: The Tau Rho Cross which can be an illustration of the Amalgamation of Bride and Bridegroom, an illustration which was hidden within this Little Scroll with the Seven Seals that was written on the Inside and the Backside. Eventually, you may even find the clues to the Message of The Seven Thunders which were Hidden within this gospel... that is within the Everlasting Gospel, more commonly known as The Gospel of Thomas. |
Angel Speaks
Seven Thunders Hidden in Thomas & the Seven Days of Genesis One Thomas & Genesis 1 (In Color) The Seven Seals Discussing The Seven Thunders The Mandela Effect He's Going To Make Everything Beautiful (Music) |
The Little Scroll: A Word In Due Season
A Messenger reveals a hidden key within the Gospel of Thomas and proclaims the Everlasting Gospel. The book of Revelation is a vision of the unveiling seen while meditating on the Original Gospel or Testimony of Christ, more commonly known as the Gospel of Thomas. Hidden Within this Little Scroll with the Seven Seals written on the Inside and the Backside is the Tau Rho Cross, or the Key of Knowledge revealing hidden things such as the purpose and meaning behind The Voices of the Seven Thunders. And so, unveiled is the key to unlock the Book of Revelation. Interpreting each other, phrase by phrase The Interconnection Between These Two Books is revealed. These thunders are heard in response to the questions and comments of the various disciples throughout the Gospel of Thomas, as they run and are lifted up, bringing the message like a flash of lightning that enlightens the entire earth. "The disciples asked" in Thomas... "And God said" in Genesis 1. The Seven hidden Thunders alluded to in Revelation 10 reveal the oneness of God, and of the Bride and the Bridegroom, and of all things. With such light, that which was, and is, and is to come is being seen. (C.f. The Seven Thunders in the Light of the Seven Seals and The Seven Seals. ) From September 2015, there is a significant realization concerning this Special Little Scroll. On the prophetic nature of this unique Little Scroll visit The Gospel of Thomas Side by Side with Genesis One. Concerning this Little Scroll: Are you dealing with This Message for the End-Time Elect? Is A Hand writing on the wall? Take Time to consider The Mandela Effect. Consider The Cause and the Eternal Purpose in it all. The Gospel of Thomas Side by Side with Ezekiel's First Vision. The Gospel of Thomas Side by Side with The Book of Jonah. The Gospel of Thomas Side by Side with Song of Solomon. The Chiasmic Marriage of The Gospel and The Song. The Gospel of Thomas Side by Side with The Book of Zechariah. The Book of Daniel Side by Side with The Gospel of Thomas. The Book of Daniel Side by Side with The Book of Revelation. Some related thoughts on Daniel and Revelation. The Gospel of Thomas Side by Side with The Book of Revelation. Or View it in Color & in Large Print. The Chiasmic Marriage of The Gospel and The Revelation. A Harmony of The Gospel of Thomas & The (Second) Revelation. The Revelation, The Gospel of Thomas & The (Second) Revelation. Genesis One & The Gospel of Thomas & The Apocalypse of Thomas. Israel Prophetically Blesses His Sons - A Genesis 49 Chiasm. |
Consider the Other Old Testament Writings: The Hebrew Bible and The Original Gospel of Jesus |
of Christ Here is a step by step introduction into the Chiastic Structures (The ABCDCBA Pattern) in the Gospel of Thomas. Consider the implications. |
Original Gospel A Summary 1. The Outer Chiasm & The Key 2. The Inner Chiasm 3. The Joint Body - Joining of the Two Chiasms 4. The Renunciation Ministry Teachings 5. The Bridal Chamber Preparations 6. The Bridal Chamber Illuminations 7. The Holy Grail Mysteries 8. The Connection of the New Testament to the Gospel of Thomas. |
Mystery of Christ
Step 1. Realizing the Key was taken away and Hidden from us. An Introduction to The Key of Knowledge In The Gospel of Thomas |
Key of Knowledge In the Gospel of Thomas:
Within the Gospel of Thomas, hidden at the very center and climax of
the body of the text "the cross" is mentioned. The word "cross" is a
"key" word. Hidden within this Coptic word for "cross" is an
amalgamated alphabetic character (The Tau-Rho Cross) that even looks a
bit like a cross, Together these amalgamated letters are known as The
Staurogram. The Staurogram looks like a cross, but turned
looks even more like a key. Discover the Key of Knowledge that was
hidden by the scribes, shutting up the kingdom of heaven from men. Jesus said, "The pharisees and the scribes have taken the keys of knowledge (gnosis) and hidden them. They themselves have not entered, nor have they allowed to enter those who wish to," (Thomas 39). Learn how to use "The Key" to understand the Gospel, and the New Testament. The keys have been provided to their rightful owner, the body of Christ, and the interpretation of the text is there to discover. Through meditative study we may discover and enjoy the treasure. Perhaps now, possessing the key, we may open the door, and enter the kingdom. |
Joint Body The Joint Body Chiasm in Thomas |
Joint Body refers
to the body of Christ (Ephesians 2:16). The author appears to
have coined this new word to express this
revolutionary new oneness and unity between Jews and Gentiles that is
created in Christ Jesus (2:13-22). The Gentiles are joint-heirs and
joint-body and joint-partakers in the promise in Christ Jesus through
the gospel. The Joint Body Chiasm in Thomas reveals in chart form the left and the right of two essential chiastic structures in Thomas. There is a male structure (the Gentiles) and a female structure (the Jews) and they are joined together in Holy Matrimony. This is a great mystery illustrating the complete reunification of the all. It is presented here for the diligent student looking for treasures. |
Jesus In The Quran: The She-camel Of Allah Will Hell Eventually be Empty? The Injeel-Quran Key Word Comparison Sayings 1-20 The Quran / Injeel Color-coded as a PDF A New Way to Study The Scriptures |
Come out of her My People Will Hell Eventually be Empty? Examining the teachings of the Quran, this Islamic article asks the question: "For how long will Almighty Allah punish some of His creation?" It concludes that the most blind of sinners will enter the Garden when the Camel goeth through the needle's eye. Surah 7:40 The promise and hope of Universal Salvation is maintained. As this reference in the gospels declares, nothing is impossible for Allah. Matthew 19:24-26. Praise be to God, Lord of the worlds. The Compassionate, the Merciful. The Injeel or "The Original Gospel of Christ" is repeatedly mentioned in the Holy Quran. Muslims believe this original Gospel (of Jesus) to have been... lost," The Gospel in Islam - Wikipedia. Now is the time to consider new possibilities. The Gospel of Thomas was found in Egypt in 1945. Both Thomas and The Quran share 114 divisions. Aligning saying to surah, both books share extensive similarities in thought, word, and rhetoric. Examine The Injeel-Quran Key Word Connections. These two holy writings interpret each Other. They are presented side by side With The Key Word Connections. With the discovery of "The Secret Sayings of Jesus" in the Gospel known as "Thomas", have we now recovered the lost Injeel, the lost holy book of Islam, and the original Gospel of Jesus? (This page is still under construction.) A Judeo-Christian-Islamic Cross Reference Study of Scripture. Dividing the Old and New Testament Scriptures using the same 114 divisions used by the Quran and the Injeel for the purposes of comparison and contrast. A new approach to the study of monotheistic scripture. |
Meditative Revelation |
An Examination of the Writings of Jesus and the Apostles: Presenting an interesting interpretive tool: It is almost like Jesus and the Apostles left us a Cross Reference Study Bible. Examine the very interesting Key Word Connections. (Pick a book from the links to the left) There are convincing sequential similarities in thought, word, and rhetoric between The Gospel of Thomas and several canonical writings that become plainly visible. Providing an invaluable contribution to the devotional study of the New Testament these connections appear to reveal the original thought processes behind the apostolic writings. Aligning and combining the sayings of Jesus together with these apostolic writings, we "make the two into one." It's almost like Jesus and the apostles left us a cross reference study bible.
The apostles
appear to have relied heavily upon this Original Gospel
authored by Christ, considering phrase by phrase the words of Jesus in
Thomas, as they wrote their own writings. If this reliance and
interconnectedness between the New Testament and Thomas is genuine, as
it appears to be, then the many canonical references to "The
Gospel of Christ", "The
Testimony of Jesus", "The
Doctrine of Christ", "His
Sayings", "The
Preaching of Jesus Christ", "The
Gospel of God", "The
Word of God", "The
Revelation of Jesus Christ", "The
Everlasting Gospel", and even just "The
Gospel" could all reasonably be direct references, and
sometimes even veiled references to "The
Gospel of Thomas" This would be revolutionary. URfriend, The Gospel of Thomas - New Testament Cross Reference Study now becomes a meditative study touching the very heart and soul of the scripture. Using the key word connections, discover the allegorical and metaphorical clues intentionally embedded within the message of Jesus and the apostles. Using The Key, unlock the inner meanings of both the New Testament, and of Thomas. Give attendance to reading. Meditate upon these things; give thyself wholly to them; that thy profiting may appear to all. 1 Timothy 4:13-15. Jesus promised, "If a man keep my saying(s), he shall never see death," John 8:51. |
Color Coded with Public Domain Printable PDF Formats A Harmony of the Five Gospels |
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