Select a Surah and a Saying
- Make the Two into One -
Introduction ....... 1 - The Opening ....... 2 - The Heifer
الفاتحة 001 ........... The Opening ............ Thomas 001
البقرة 002 ............... The Heifer ............. Thomas 002
آل عمران 003 ...... Family of Imran.......... Thomas 003
النساء 004 ................ Women................ Thomas 004
المائدة 005 .............. The Table.............. Thomas 005
الأنعام 006 ................ Livestock.............. Thomas 006
الأعراف 007 ........ The Elevations.......... Thomas 007
الأنفال 008 .............. The Spoils.............. Thomas 008
التوبة 009 .............. Repentance............. Thomas 009
يونس 010 ................... Jonah.................. Thomas 010
هود 011 ...................... Hud.................... Thomas 011
يوسف 012 ................. Joseph................. Thomas 012
الرعد 013 ................. Thunder................ Thomas 013
إبراهيم 014 ............... Abraham............... Thomas 014
الحجر 015 ............... The Rock............... Thomas 015
النحل 016 ................. The Bee................ Thomas 016
الإسراء 017 ....... The Night Journey....... Thomas 017
الكهف 018 ............... The Cave............... Thomas 018
مريم 019 .................... Mary.................... Thomas 019
طه 020 ..................... Ta-Ha................... Thomas 020
الأنبياء 021 ............ The Prophets............ Thomas 021
الحج 022 ............ The Pilgrimage............ Thomas 022
المؤمنون 023 ......... The Believers............ Thomas 023
النور 024 ................. The Light................ Thomas 024
الفرقان 025 ............ The Criterion............. Thomas 025
الشعراء 026 ............. The Poets............... Thomas 026
النمل 027 .................. The Ant.................. Thomas 027
القصص 028 ................. History................ Thomas 028
العنكبوت 029 ............. The Spider............. Thomas 029
الروم 030 .............. The Romans.............. Thomas 030
لقمان 031 .................. Luqman.................. Thomas 031
السجدة 032 .............. Prostration............... Thomas 032
الأحزاب 033 ........ The Confederates........ Thomas 033
سبإ 034 ..................... Sheba................... Thomas 034
فاطر 035 ................. Originator................ Thomas 035
يس 036 .................... Ya-Seen................. Thomas 036
الصافات 037 ............. The Aligners............ Thomas 037
ص 038 ....................... Saad.................... Thomas 038
الزمر 039 ................... Throngs................. Thomas 039
غافر 040 .................... Forgiver................. Thomas 040
فصلت 041 .................. Detailed................. Thomas 041
الشورى 042 ............. Consultation............. Thomas 042
الزخرف 043 .............. Decorations............. Thomas 043
الدخان 044 .................... Smoke................. Thomas 044
الجاثية 045 .................. Kneeling................ Thomas 045
الأحقاف 046 ................ The Dunes............. Thomas 046
محمـد 047 ................. Muhammad............. Thomas 047
الفتح 048 ...................... Victory................. Thomas 048
الحـجـرات 049 ........... The Chambers......... Thomas 049
ق 050 .......................... Qaf...................... Thomas 050
الذاريات 051 .............. The Spreaders......... Thomas 051
الـطور 052 .................. The Mount............. Thomas 052
الـنجـم 053 .................... The Star............... Thomas 053
الـقمـر 054 ................... The Moon.............. Thomas 054
الـرحـمـن 055 ...... The Compassionate....... Thomas 055
الواقعـة 056 ............... The Inevitable.......... Thomas 056
الحـديد 057 ....................... Iron................... Thomas 057
الـمجادلـة 058 .............. The Argument......... Thomas 058
الـحـشـر 059 ........... The Mobilization......... Thomas 059
الـمـمـتـحنة 060 ..... The Woman Tested....... Thomas 060
الـصـف 061 ................... Column................ Thomas 061
الـجـمـعـة 062 ................... Friday................ Thomas 062
الـمنافقون 063 ............ The Hypocrites......... Thomas 063
الـتغابن 064 .................. Gathering.............. Thomas 064
الـطلاق 065 ................... Divorce................ Thomas 065
الـتحريم 066 .................. Prohibition............ Thomas 066
الـملك 067 .................. Sovereignty............ Thomas 067
الـقـلـم 068 .................... The Pen............... Thomas 068
الـحاقـة 069 ................ The Reality............. Thomas 069
الـمعارج 070 ............ Ways of Ascent......... Thomas 070
نوح 071 .....................Noah....................... Thomas 071
الجن 072 .................... The Jinn................. Thomas 072
الـمـزمـل 073 ........... The Enwrapped......... Thomas 073
الـمـدثـر 074 ............... The Enrobed............ Thomas 074
الـقـيامـة 075 ............... Resurrection............ Thomas 075
الإنسان 076 ...................... Man .................. Thomas 076
الـمرسلات 077 .......... The Unleashed ........ Thomas 077
الـنبإ 078 ................... The Event ............... Thomas 078
الـنازعات 079 ............ The Snatchers ......... Thomas 079
عبس 080 ................. He Frowned ............. Thomas 080
التكوير 081 ................. The Rolling............. Thomas 081
الانفطار 082 ............. The Shattering.......... Thomas 082
المطـفـفين 083 ........... The Defrauders........ Thomas 083
الانشقاق 084 .............. The Rupture............ Thomas 084
البروج 085 ........... The Constellations........ Thomas 085
الـطارق 086 .......... The Nightly Visitor........ Thomas 086
الأعـلى 087 .............. The Most High .......... Thomas 087
الغاشـيـة 088 ......... The Overwhelming........ Thomas 088
الفجر 089 .................. The Dawn................ Thomas 089
الـبلد 090 .................... The Land................. Thomas 090
الـشـمـس 091 .................. The Sun ............... Thomas 091
اللـيـل 092 ................... The Night ............... Thomas 092
الضـحى 093 ............. Morning Light ............ Thomas 093
الـشرح 094 .............. The Soothing.............. Thomas 094
الـتين 095 ..................... The Fig .................. Thomas 095
الـعلق 096 ....................... Clot ..................... Thomas 096
الـقدر 097 ..................... Decree .................. Thomas 097
الـبينة 098 ............. Clear Evidence ............ Thomas 098
الـزلزلة 099 ................ The Quake .............. Thomas 099
الـعاديات 100 ............... The Racers ............ Thomas 100
الـقارعـة 101 ............. The Shocker ............. Thomas 101
الـتكاثر 102 ................. Abundance ............. Thomas 102
الـعصر 103 ...................... Time .................. Thomas 103
الـهمزة 104 ............... The Backbiter ........... Thomas 104
الـفيل 105 ................. The Elephant ............ Thomas 105
قريش 106 ................... Quraish ................... Thomas 106
المـاعون 107 ................ Assistance ............. Thomas 107
الـكوثر 108 .................... Plenty ................... Thomas 108
الـكافرون 109 .......... The Disbelievers ......... Thomas 109
الـنصر 110 ..................... Victory ................. Thomas 110
الـمسد 111 ..................... Thorns .................. Thomas 111
الإخلاص 112 ............... Monotheism ............ Thomas 112
الـفلق 113 .................... Daybreak ................ Thomas 113
الـناس 114 .................... Mankind ................. Thomas 114
.................. Quran References to The Injeel ..................
The Introduction With Surah 1