The Gospel of Judas and The Gospel of Thomas A Side-by-side Color-coded Comparison |
Prologue These are the hidden sayings that the living Jesus
spoke and Didymos Judas
Thomas wrote down. Saying 4: First and Last Jesus said, "Know what's in front of
your face, and what's hidden from you will be revealed to you, because
there's nothing hidden that won't be revealed." |
(1) Introduction When he appeared on earth, he did signs and great wonders for the salvation of humanity. Some [walked] in the way of
righteousness, but others walked in their transgression, so the twelve
disciples were called. He started to tell them about the mysteries
beyond the world and what would happen at the end. Often he didn't
reveal himself to his disciples, but you'd find him in their midst as a
child. |
(2) |
(2) 34 sitting together praying over the bread, [he]
laughed. The disciples said to him, "Master, why are you
laughing at [our] prayer? What have we done? [This] is what's right." He answered and said to them, "I'm not laughing at
you. You're not doing this because you want to, but because through
this your God [will be] praised." They said, "Master, you […] are the Son of our
God!" |
Saying 9 Continued: Others fell on the rock; they didn't take root in the
soil and ears of grain didn't rise toward heaven. Yet others fell on
thorns; they choked the seeds and worms ate them. Finally, others fell
on good soil; it produced fruit up toward heaven, some sixty times as
much and some a hundred and twenty." Saying 10: Jesus and Fire ) Saying 12: James the Just |
(3) 35 become angry with your souls? If any of you is
[strong enough] among humans to bring out the perfect Humanity, stand
up and face me." All of them said, "We're strong enough." But their
spirits weren't brave enough to stand before [him] – except Judas
Iscariot. He was able to stand before him, but he couldn't look him in
the eye, so he looked away. Judas [said] to him, "I know who you are and where
you've come from. You've come from the immortal realm of Barbelo (the first androgenous human being), and I'm not worthy to
utter the name of the one who's sent you." Then Jesus, knowing that he was thinking about what's exalted, said to him, "Come away from the others and I'll tell you the mysteries of the kingdom. Not so that you'll go there, but you'll grieve much |
Saying 13: Thomas' Confession Jesus said to his disciples, "If you were to
compare me to someone, who would
you say I'm like?" |
(4) 36 because someone else will replace you to
complete the twelve [elements] before their God." Judas said to him, "When will you tell me these
things, and when will the great day of light dawn for the generation
[…]?" But when he said these things, Jesus left him. |
(5) Jesus said, "When you see the one who wasn't born of a woman, fall down on your
face and worship that person. That's your Father." |
(5) 37 Truly I say to you, no one born [of] this realm
will see that [generation], no army of angels from the stars will rule
over it, and no person of mortal birth will be able to join it, because
that generation doesn't come from […] that has become […] the
generation of the people among [them] is from the generation of the
great people […] the powerful authorities who […] nor the powers […]
those by which you rule." When his disciples heard these things, they were
each troubled in their spirit. They couldn't say a thing. Another day Jesus came up to them. They said to
him, "Master, we've seen you in a dream, because we had great [dreams
last] night." |
(6) |
38 And they [said, "We saw] a great [house, with a
great] altar [in it, and] twelve people – we'd say they were priests –
and a name. And a crowd of people was waiting at the altar [until] the
priests [finished receiving] the offerings. We kept waiting too." |
Saying 22: Making the Two into One |
(7) 39 And in all their sacrificing, they fill the
[altar] with their offerings." When they said this, [they] fell silent
because they were troubled. Jesus said to them, "Why are you troubled? Truly I say to you, all the priests standing before that altar invoke my name. And [again], I say to you, my name has been written on this [house] of the generations of the stars by the human generations. [And they] have shamefully planted fruitless trees in my name." Jesus said to them, "You're the ones receiving the offerings on the altar you've seen. That's the God you serve, and you're the twelve people you've seen. And the animals you saw brought in to be sacrificed are the crowd you lead astray |
Saying 25: Love and Protect Jesus said, "Love your brother as your own soul.
Protect them like the pupil of your eye." |
(8) 40 before that altar. [Your minister] will stand up and use my name like that, and [the] generations of the pious will be loyal to him. After him, another person will present [those who sleep around], and another those who murder children, and another those who sleep with men, and those who fast, and the rest of impurity, crime, and error. And those who say, 'We're equal to the angels' – they're the stars that finish everything. It's been said to the human generations, 'Look, God has accepted your sacrifice from the hands of priests,' that is, the minister of error. But the Lord who commands is the Lord over everything. On the last day, they'll be found guilty." |
(9) Saying 30: Divine Presence Saying 34: The Parable of Those Who Can't See
(9) 41 Jesus said [to them], "Stop [sacrificing animals]. You've [offered them] over the altar, over your stars with your angels where they've already been completed. So let them become […] with you and let them [become] clear." (Most of the rest of page 41 is damaged) His disciples [said to him], "Cleanse us from our
[sins] that we've committed through the deceit of the angels." Jesus said to them, "It's not possible […], nor [can] a fountain quench the fire of the entire inhabited world. Nor can a [city's] well satisfy all the generations, except the great, stable one. A single lamp won't illuminate all the realms, except the second generation, nor can a baker feed all creation |
Saying 36: Anxiety Jesus said, "Don't be anxious from morning to
evening or from evening to morning about what you'll wear." Saying 38: Finding Jesus Saying 42: Passing By |
(10) 42 under [heaven]." (Most of page 42 is damaged) And [when the disciples heard] these [things],
they said to [him], "Master, help us and save us!" Jesus said to them, "Stop struggling against me.
Each one of you has his own star, [and …] of the stars will […] what
belongs to it […] I wasn't sent to the corruptible generation, but to
the strong and incorruptible generation, because no enemy has ruled
[over] that generation, nor
any of the stars. Truly I say to you, the pillar of fire will fall
quickly and that generation won't be moved by the stars." |
(11) Saying 44: Blasphemy Saying 46: Greater than John the Baptizer |
(11) 43 […] it didn't come to [water … the well] of the
tree of [the fruit …] of this realm […] after a time […], but came to
water God's paradise and the enduring [fruit], because [it] won't
corrupt that generation's [walk of life], but [it will exist] for all
eternity." Judas said to [him, "Tell] me, what kind of fruit
does this generation have?" Jesus said, "The souls of every human generation
will die; however, when these people have completed the time in the
kingdom and the spirit leaves them, their bodies will die but their
souls will live, and they'll be taken up." Judas said, "What will the rest of the human
generations do?" Jesus said, "It's not possible |
Jesus said, "It's not possible for anyone to mount
two horses or stretch two bows, and it's not possible for a servant to
follow two leaders, because they'll respect one and despise the other. Jesus said, "Blessed are those who are one – those
who are chosen, because you'll find the kingdom. You've come from there
and will return there." Saying 50: Our Origin and Identity |
(12) 44 to sow on [rock] and harvest its fruit. In the
same way, it's [not possible to sow on] the [defiled] race along with
the perishable wisdom [and] the hand which created mortal humans so
that their souls may go up to the realms above. [Truly] I say to you,
[no ruler], angel, [or] power will be able to see the [places] that
[this great], holy generation [will see]." When Jesus said this, he
left. Judas said, "Master, just as you've listened to
all of them, now listen to me too, because I've seen a great vision." But Jesus laughed when he heard this. He said to
him, "Why are you all worked up, you thirteenth demon (or spirit)? But speak up,
and I'll bear with you." |
Saying 50 Continued: Tell them, 'We've come from the light, the place where light came into being by itself, [established] itself, and appeared in their image.' "If they ask you, 'Is it you?' then say, 'We are
its children, and we're chosen by our living Father.' Saying 52: Twenty-Four Prophets Saying 54: Those Who Are Poor |
(13) 45 chasing [me rapidly]. And I also came to the place where [I had followed] you. I saw [a house in this place], and my eyes couldn't [measure] its size. Great people surrounded it, and that house had a roof of greenery. In the middle of the house was [a crowd …]. (Two lines damaged) Master, take me in with these people!" [Jesus] answered and said, "Your star has led you
astray, Judas," and that "no person of mortal birth is worthy to enter
the house you've seen, because that place is reserved for those who are
holy. Neither the sun nor the moon will rule there, nor the day, but
those who are holy will always stand in the realm with the holy angels.
Look, I've told you the mysteries of the kingdom |
(14) Saying 58: Finding Life Saying 60: Don't Become a Corpse |
(14) 46 and I've taught you about the error of the
stars and […] sent [on high] over the twelve realms." Judas said, "Master, surely my seed doesn't
dominate the rulers, does it?" Jesus answered and said to him, "Come, let me [tell] (Two lines damaged) you [about the holy generation. Not so that you'll go there],
but you'll grieve much when you see the kingdom and all its generation." When Judas heard this, he said to him, "What good
has it done me that you've separated me from that generation?" Jesus answered and said, "You'll become the
thirteenth, and will be cursed by the other generations and will rule
over them. In the last days they'll […] to you and you won't go up |
(15) Saying 63: The
Parable of the Rich Man
(15) 47 to the holy generation." Jesus said, "[Come] and I'll teach you about the
[mysteries that no] human [will] see, because there exists a great and
boundless realm whose horizons no angelic generation has seen, [in]
which is a [great] invisible Spirit, which no [angelic] eye has ever
seen, no heart has ever comprehended, and it's never been called by any
name. "And a luminous cloud appeared there. And he (the Spirit) said, 'Let an angel come into being to attend me.' And a great angel, the Self-Begotten, the God of the Light, emerged from the cloud. And because of him, another four angels came into being from another cloud, and they attended the angelic Self-Begotten. And said |
(16) |
(16) 48 the [Self-Begotten], 'Let [a realm] come into
being,' and it came into being [just as he said]. And he [created] the
first luminary to rule over it. And he said, 'Let angels come into
being to serve [it,' and myriads] without number came into being. And
he said, '[Let a] luminous realm come into being,' and it came into
being. He created the second luminary to rule over it, along with
myriads of angels without number to offer service. And that's how he
created the rest of the realms of light. And he made them to be ruled,
and created for them myriads of angels without number to assist them. "And Adamas was in the first cloud of light that no angel could ever see among all those called 'God.' |
(17) |
(17) 49 And [Adamas begat Seth in] that [place after the] image [of …] and after the likeness of [this] angel. He made the incorruptible [generation] of Seth appear to the twelve androgynous [luminaries. And then] he made seventy-two luminaries appear in the incorruptible generation according to the Spirit's will. Then the seventy-two luminaries themselves made three hundred sixty luminaries appear in the incorruptible generation according to the Spirit's will so that there'd be five for each. And the twelve realms of the twelve luminaries make up their father, with six heavens for each realm so there are seventy-two heavens for the seventy-two luminaries, and for each one |
(18) Saying 68: Persecution Jesus said, "Blessed are you when you're
hated and persecuted, and no place will be found where you've been
persecuted." |
(18) 50 [of them five] firmaments [for a total of]
three hundred sixty [firmaments. They] were given authority and a
[great] army of angels without number for honor and service, along with
virgin spirits [too] for the honor and [service] of all the realms and
the heavens with their firmaments. "Now the crowd of those immortals is called
'cosmos' – that is, 'perishable' – by the father and the seventy-two
luminaries with the Self-Begotten and his seventy-two realms. That's
where the first human appeared with his incorruptible powers. In the
realm that appeared with his generation is the cloud of knowledge and
the angel who's called |
(19) Saying 74: The
Empty Well Saying 76: The Parable of the Saying 78: Into the Desert
(19) 51 [Eleleth
…] After these things [Eleleth]
said, 'Let twelve angels come into being [to] rule over Chaos and
[Hades]. And look, from the cloud there appeared an [angel] whose face
flashed with [fire] and whose likeness was [defiled] by blood. His name
was Nebro, which means
'Rebel.' Others call him Yaldabaoth.
And another angel, Saklas,
came from the cloud too. So Nebro
created six angels – and Saklas
(did too) – to be assistants. They brought out twelve angels in the
heavens, with each of them receiving a portion in the heavens. |
Saying 79: Listening to the Message A woman in the crowd said to him, "Blessed is the
womb that bore you, and the breasts that nourished you." Saying 84: Our Previous Images |
(20) 52 […] and let them […] generation [… five] angels: The first [is Yaoth],
who's called 'the Good One.' The second is Harmathoth,
[the eye of fire]. The [third] is Galila. The fourth [is] Yobel. The fifth is Adonaios. "These are the five who ruled over Hades and are
the first over Chaos. "Then Saklas said to his angels, 'Let's create a human being after the likeness and the image.' And they fashioned Adam and his wife Eve, who in the cloud is called 'Life,' because by this name all the generations seek him, and each of them calls her by their names. Now Saklas didn't |
(21) Saying 84 Continued: which
don't die, and aren't revealed – how much you'll have to bear!" Saying 90: Jesus' Yoke is Easy (C.f. "Ye shall find rest unto your souls," Matthew 11:29) |
(21) 53 [command …] give birth, except […] among the
generations […] which this […] and the [angel] said to him, 'Your life
will last for a limited time, with your children.'" Then Judas said to Jesus, "[How] long can a person
live?" Jesus said, "Why are you amazed that the lifespans of Adam and his
generation are limited in the place he's received his kingdom with his
ruler?" Judas said to Jesus, "Does the human spirit die?" Jesus said, "This is how it is. God commanded Michael to loan spirits to people so that they might serve. Then the Great One commanded Gabriel to give spirits to the great generation with no king – the spirit along with the soul. So the [rest] of the souls |
91: Reading the Signs Saying 92: Look and Find Saying 94: Knock and It Will Be Opened Saying 97: The
Parable of the Jar of Flour |
(22) (Two or three lines damaged) 54 […] light [… the] Chaos […] seek [the] spirit
within you which you've made to live in this flesh from the angelic
generations. Then God caused knowledge to be brought to Adam and those
with him, so that the kings of Chaos and Hades might not rule over
them." [Then] Judas said to Jesus, "So what will those
generations do?" Jesus said, "Truly I say to you, the stars complete all these things. When Saklas completes the time span that's been determined for him, their first star will appear with the generations, and they'll finish what's been said. Then they'll sleep around in my name, murder their children, |
(23) Saying 98: The Parable of the Assassin Saying 100: Give to Caesar What Belongs
to Caesar (C.f. "God dips... in water (because of the image or reflection)... what you see you shall become," Gospel of Philip) |
(23) 55 and [they'll …] evil and […] (About six or seven lines are damaged) the realms,
bringing the generations and presenting them to Saklas.
[And] after that […] will bring the twelve tribes of [ [Judas] said, "Master, why [are you laughing at
me?" Then Judas said to Jesus, "What will those do
who've been baptized in your name?" The Betrayal |
(24) |
(24) 56 [which they've received in] my name […] (About nine lines are damaged) will destroy the whole generation of the earthly Adam. Tomorrow they'll torture the one who bears me. Truly I [say] to you, no hand of a mortal human [will fall] upon me. Truly [I say] to you, Judas, those who offer sacrifices to Saklas […] (About three lines are damaged) everything that's evil. But you'll do more than all of them,
because you'll sacrifice the human who bears me. Your horn has already
been raised, your anger has been kindled, your star has ascended, and
your heart has [strayed]. |
(25) Saying 106: Unity Saying 108: Becoming Like Jesus |
(25) 57 Truly [I say to you], your last [… and] the [… the thrones] (About two lines are missing) of the realm have [been defeated], the kings have grown weak, the angelic generations have grieved, and the evil [they sowed …] (About two lines are missing) is destroyed, [and] the [ruler] is wiped out. [And] then the [fruit] of
the great generation of Adam will be exalted, because before heaven,
earth, and the angels, that generation from the realms exists. Look,
you've been told everything. Lift up your eyes and see the cloud with
the light in it and the stars around it. And the star that leads the
way is your star." Then Judas looked up and saw the luminous cloud, and he entered it. Those standing on the ground heard a voice from the cloud saying, |
(26) Saying 110: Riches and Renunciation Saying 112: Flesh and Soul |
(26) 58 "[ . . . the] great [generation . . . ] and [ . . . ]." (About five lines are damaged) And Judas didn't see
Jesus anymore. Their high priests grumbled because he'd gone into
the guest room to pray. But some scribes were there watching closely so
they could arrest him during his prayer, because they were afraid of
the people, since they all regarded him as a prophet. And they approached Judas and said to him, "What
are you doing here? Aren't you Jesus' disciple?" |
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